Dear Reader,
It's been another week at YCC! Monday started with guest speaker Jeremy Sunder-Raj's presentation on Yellowstone's wolf project. Popular fears about wolfs led to their eradication from the Park in the 1920s and subsequent elk and bison population explosions that in turn impacted shrub growths. The park's wolf reintroduction project has therefore rebalanced the food chain and reoriented the park towards its mission of conservation.
Crews then departed on spike. Alpha crew's week consisted of bear boxes at the Madison campground, visitor use management at Fairy Falls, and community science investigations.
Bravo crew's week consisted of bear boxes at Bridge Bay and a community science investigation.
Charlie crew's work consisted of community science at Norris, bear boxes at Canyon, and visitor use monitoring at Canyon and Norris.
Weekend rec commenced after the crews returned. On Saturday, youth leaders led hiking trips of their own (with Rec Ranger supervision). Routes included a history tour, the Sepulcher Mountain Trail, and the Hellroaring Creek Trail. On Sunday, Dean led a hike along Avalanche Peak Trail, Bethy at Storm Point around Yellowstone Lake, and Grace a tour in the Mammoth Area.
Weekend rec also included a baking competition. See below:
Anyway, that's it for this week! Regards,
Your Narrator.