Completed Projects
Below summarizes the work accomplishments of YCC Crews.

Session II, Week 4
3 trailhead signs installed at Chittenden, Pitchstone, and Beula Lake trailheads
1 trailhead sign partially installed at Lewis Lakev trailhead
1 outdated trailhead sign removed from the Beula Lake trailhead
6 bear boxes completed at Canyon and Bridge Bay Campgrounds
1 day of visitor use monitoring completed at the Brink of the Lower Falls
1 day of visitor use monitoring completed at the Norris Geyser Basin

Session II, Week 3
6 bear boxes installed at Canyon Campground
11 bear boxes installed at Lake Campground
2 days of visitor use monitoring in the Canyon area
7 trailhead portals installed in the Canyon area

Session II, Week 2
1 day of dragonfly larva collection
1 site survey performed for a future dragonfly larva collection site
11 bear boxes completed
33 bear boxes received concrete reinforcement
4 pika sites surveyed
2 days of visitor use monitoring completed in the Canyon area
1 day of visitor use monitoring at Fairy Falls

Session II, Week 1
11 bear boxes installed at Madison, Canyon, and Bridge Bay
1 day of visitor use monitoring at Norris
1 day of visitor use monitoring at Canyon
3 days of dragonfly larva collection
1 pika site surveyed

Session I, Week 4
9 pika sites surveyed for community science data
11 hours VUM data collected at Artist Point and Fairy Falls
11 bear boxes installed at the Madison and Canyon campgrounds
Mt. Washburn trailhead sign completed
Chittenden Rd. to Mt. Washburn trailhead sign started

Session I, Week 3
18 bear boxes installed at Madison and Canyon campgrounds
3 check dams and 2 water bars installed on Tower Falls trail
7 drains cleared on Tower Falls trail
11 hours of VUM data collected in the Canyon area
3 holes dug for a trailhead sign at the Mt. Washburn trailhead.

Session I, Week 2
18 bear boxes installed at Madison and Canyon campgrounds
1.75 miles of logs and brush cleared along Old Gardiner Rd.
5 check dams and 1 water bar installed at Tower
6 drains cleared at Tower

Session I, Week 1
Spent 1 workday clearing sagebrush from Old Gardiner Road with the wildland fire crew
Cleared 300 yards of trench and 2 wastewater retention ponds for the new wastewater treatment facility in Mammoth
Installed 4 bear boxes and 1 bear box foundation at Madison Campground
Prepped and delivered 6 logs for trail work at Tower Falls
Split half a cord of firewood for the YCC campus and spike camps
Completed and installed 2 bumper logs
Began a bumper log for Lava Creek