Dear Reader,
The weather--a last resort small talk topic, Meursault's fixation in Camus' L'Étranger, and a growing source of headlines--plays a role in Yellowstone that cannot be overstated. After all, followers of this blog will recall how torrential rains in May provoked catastrophic floods that shut the park on its 150th anniversary. Given the significance of weather, Your Narrator provides here a graph of the accumulated precipitation over the past week:

Students left on the morning of the 6th and returned in the afternoon of the 7th. It was very wet. That said, students conquered the challenge and enjoyed themselves; see below:
Cascade Lake with Bethy
DeLacey Creek
Grace led a hike to DeLacey Creek.
On the way back, they stopped by the Museum of the Park Ranger.
Heart Lake
It was wet but worthwhile. Up next: the final week of spike!
Your Narrator